Drew this at Rivero's Starbuck's the other night. Looked across the street, started drawing the car lot, got bored, and then added monsters.
Actually tried to do a more finished version than this in Photoshop, but it was horrible, so Ctrl-W took care of that.
Wonton's the first one to post comments for this blog for the new year, so Adrian will have to figure out an appropriate prize.
I'm going to read the latest issue of Acme Novelty Library now.
Is this Cloverfield concept art?
I think FilmDrunk posted something on possible design pieces, but I didn't really want to look at it...
Anyone going to see Cloverfield on the 18th? I took the day off for it
I gots me my slusho drink and a boner in me pants for at least two of those cloverfield girls. I think that is a code name for a future crush.
How about seeing it first thing in the morning, since I have work in the afternoon??
I think the first showing would either be thursday midnight or 11AM or noon on Friday and I'm not awake till like 7 hours after that.
In a side note:
I think sleeping in really late should mean that you had a wicked blow job the night before.
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