Nov 26, 2006

Last Commission

This is my last commission. At least for a few months. I have a comic gig going, plus two proposals for series. The first proposal is nearly done. I'll post some of those soon. I'm probably going to letter them before I post so it might take a while(because of the amount of words and the fact I've never done it before[except for the crappy example down below, which isn't how I'd really do it]). I have another proposal that is only layed out in pencils, but Chris lettered it very nicely. Hell, that's the only thing done at this point on that proposal. He did more work on it than I have. I'll have to catch up.
This mermaid is Lori Lemaris. Superman's girlfriend from the old days(I mean like fifty years ago). Second mermaid I've drawn. I'm probably going to fix a thing or two before I send it out. I usually end up changing it between the scan and sending it out. Just a little, but enough to make it better.

Nov 19, 2006

Figure Drawing Marathon

Here's a 20 minute pose from the marathon at Lake Merritt College. It's a 2B pencil on plain sketch paper. Lots of people showed up for this, and it seemed like most knew each other. All the models were great, but drawing from 10am-4pm was a challenge especially because it's been a few years since I've worked from live models.


Nov 16, 2006

I just like drawing Batman

Hey, I geek out all the time and I geek out most when I draw Batman. He is just too cool. I've drawn him like a thousand times and I still don't think I do it right.


Nov 14, 2006

Try It Again

I didn't like that X-men sketch I did a few weeks ago, so I'm going to attempt to draw those characters again. Still need to do something more dynamic, but this is still an improvement, I think.


Nov 13, 2006

Sketchbook Stuff; The Big Two

Busy working on many pages. Not enough time to pencil/ink/clean up/scan/cut/paste. So here is some sketchbooks stuff. The dates are on the pics. First one is painted with acrylic inks.
Working on finishing 10 pages of The War Machine for some proposals. After that I have an 8 page story Chris was helping me on for Tooth And Nail. I'm really happy with my War Machine pages so hopefully Tooth And Nail turns out well also. Apparently my script is way weaker than what was going on in my head(that means it turned out better after it was drawn that before).
I'll also be starting a very perverted Alien screenplay tomorrow. I'm really excited because I think I found a new thing to disturb me.

I also came home to watch The Wire tonight. Blew me away. Best show on tv.

Nov 9, 2006

Hiragana Prelim 3

Here's the one for u/う. The word is uma/うま. More Photoshop coloring over inked work in my sketchbook.
In the background? You're right! That's a glue factory. Things don't look too good for this stallion.

Here's the sketch. The hiragana didn't make it into the colored piece this time. It just didn't look right digital. I should've just brushed it in. Next time...


Nov 8, 2006

I Hate Blogs Blog

Too lazy to scan and paste pieces of scans together for my new pages. Here is this instead. Just look at how bad I drew that there hand.

Nov 7, 2006

Hiragana い

I've got to start doing a few of these at a time if I'm going to finish the set by the end of the year.


Nov 5, 2006

Another Commission

Vampirella. This one was tough because I messed up the legs and had to paint over them in Acrylic and try to make it match the water color.