But I was too happy for the pervert. Check out this post on March MODOK Madness for his submission! Congrats, Rivero. You can have your gun and badge back.
Here's stuff from the comic story we worked on together. Rivero really came through on the inks and washes. I remember thinking that I was going to be really slow illustrating a 1920s baseball story all by myself and was surprised that Rivero agreed to work on it with me without any hesitation. There are three other pages, but you'll just have to see them in the comic that will be published this Spring along with two other stories. More news on that to come.
I wanted to write something in response to Rivero spilling his guts here on the blog, but now I can't remember the gist of what I was so anxious to reveal. It was clear to me during the Mallory/Alba (places here in the Bay Area) Maneuver from last Friday and Saturday. That was then, and now it's approaching 3am Wednesday morning, my mind foggy from work and from another phone meeting with Adrian. Sounds like we're really conducting some serious business that way. Nothing else for now...
My humble attempt at coloring Rivero's female MODOK. I sent this to him last night five minutes after he sent me an email, but he didn't respond. I guess he hates it and doesn't want to hurt my feelings. It's okay, Rivero. I can take critiques better now than I could at art school. You're probably just going to sucker-punch me in the stomach when we meet up next.
If this MODOK showed up at my door asking for a portrait, I'd do it. The portrait, I mean. The face reminds me of the Witch of the Waste from Howl's Moving Castle just because it's blobby. She needs to sweat more though. Realizing what that propulsion unit would do to my carpet/flooring, I'd only let her in the garage or backyard.
Regarding the quote from the last post... It was a joke, so don't think anyone here is delusional enough to believe he will get anywhere near Kirby.