Dec 31, 2006
Dec 29, 2006
Dec 23, 2006
Dec 22, 2006
Dec 19, 2006
Nottingham Lace B&W's
These are the scans of my uncolored storyboards. I made these to show my cinematographer what I intend in terms of lighting and camera placement. They will be painted eventually. I actually made three others but those haven't been inked yet because I made these at work and the other were too disturbing. This movie is sick. I may have gotten a producer for it today. We'll see.
Dec 17, 2006
House - colored version
Well, I just skimmed this tutorial about coloring in half-tones, and I tried it out on a drawing that I posted on my site's blog. I'll try this again with a better scan and a more careful approach. It kind of has the look of an old comic, but not quite. Some of the line work may have been affected by careless resizing.
Dec 16, 2006
Dec 15, 2006
No title today
Dec 14, 2006
Sketchbook prelims for comic
This is some stuff I am working on for someone elses comic. The characters are all copyright them. I posted some sketches of some of these guys below. These are the changes I have done. I really work fast and loose so I had to reign it in and spend some time getting the proper look down. I feel bad posting this right after the seven heads in seven minutes because I took a long time on these. I actually considered doing the seven heads in seven minutes and found it too hard. I'm serious. I tried and had no inspiration. It's harder than it looks to time yourself and really do it in time. I tried it with the 24 hour comic day thing, and even though I did it, it was very challenging and physically and mentally exhausting.
Dec 13, 2006
Only a few minutes left in the day
Dec 12, 2006
Silver Spaceman 2
These are the pages in color. I'll post the black and whites later. The B and W's are much better. I colored them in twenty minutes each. I was under a tight deadline(I was only given the assignment like 24 hours earlier[including the cover]). Chris pencilled the first page. I added shadows and rendering in the ink stage. I also changed the brow on the bad guy to make him look meaner. But basically it's Chris's structure with my finish. Except the last panel, which is obviously rushed because I decided to redraw it. Sometimes you just shouldn't redraw.
Dec 11, 2006
No title today
Dec 10, 2006
Silver Spaceman
Here is a cover I did on Friday night for my friend Paul's movie. I also had to do two more pages(Chris did pencils on the first page, and his are so much softer and delicate than my caveman scratch. The inking was fun to do on someone elses pencil's). I finished it all within 24 hours. Then I had to color them. It was a marathon. Anyway, not my best work but pretty good for the time I had to spend on it. The coloring is shit, there's no way around it, but I had only 20 minutes so thats what you get. Paul gave it the title and writing stuff.
I'll post the pages that Chris helped me pencil on the next post. They were also colored and lettered.
I'll post the pages that Chris helped me pencil on the next post. They were also colored and lettered.
Dec 9, 2006
Not as bad
A couple of people who are having a much more painful Saturday than most of us. I was going to complain about how little I've drawn lately, but I won't. Meeting up with Riv helped get me motivated because he showed me the cool character designs below and the pages he's been working on. He also penciled a page in about an hour while I could barely keep up. I've got to learn how to do away with sleep...
Dec 8, 2006
Movie Comic
I'm drawing a fake cover and two pages for my friend Paul's movie. It's about a superhero. His favorite comic is Silver Spaceman. The arch enemy is the Blackhole Bountyhunter. I didn't have time to draw the cover and scan it tonight so I'm putting up the sketches for what they will look like. These are rough. The anatomy is off and proportions need to be fixed but this was just to get their look. Obviously inspired by a certain Jack Kirby character and design sense.
Dec 7, 2006
Brock Sketch
Dec 6, 2006
The Wire Sketches 1
My favorite drama, even more than Sopranos and at least tying if not beating Lost is the Wire. It is perfect. The most ornate plot and character heavy show ever. Written by a former police officer, a reporter, and several novel writers(one is the guy who wrote Mystic River). It has a huge cast. Most of them are black and totally underutilized in Hollywood, but they can hold ground with anyone. My favorite characters is the failed detective McNulty, Omar the gay gangster who steals from other gangsters in a Robin Hood like fashion, Stringer Bell the gang leader who wants to go straight, Bubbles the really cool and nice homeless guy who can't kick drugs, and Prezbuluski(sp?) the failed cop who becomes an inner city school teacher. This first batch of sketches are the ones that worked. I would have put more but the second batch so far is kind of weird third string characters. I did sketches of Marlo, McNulty, and D'Angelo but they sucked so bad I need to redo them. Strangely enough my version of Proposition Joe may be the best one I've done so far(because he is one of the smallest characters[but not in girth]).
Dec 5, 2006
Dec 4, 2006
Sketchbook Stuff
The girl sketch I did at a coffee shop with Chris. I was copying a pose from Vanity Fair or something. It looks nothing like the girl(not going to say who it is because she's so famous it makes my version look really bad, but I wasn't going for likeness).
The other ones are from a comic I am working on. The characters are copyright their creators.
These are all from my sketch book.
Dec 1, 2006
This is just ridiculous
Nov 26, 2006
Last Commission
This is my last commission. At least for a few months. I have a comic gig going, plus two proposals for series. The first proposal is nearly done. I'll post some of those soon. I'm probably going to letter them before I post so it might take a while(because of the amount of words and the fact I've never done it before[except for the crappy example down below, which isn't how I'd really do it]). I have another proposal that is only layed out in pencils, but Chris lettered it very nicely. Hell, that's the only thing done at this point on that proposal. He did more work on it than I have. I'll have to catch up.
This mermaid is Lori Lemaris. Superman's girlfriend from the old days(I mean like fifty years ago). Second mermaid I've drawn. I'm probably going to fix a thing or two before I send it out. I usually end up changing it between the scan and sending it out. Just a little, but enough to make it better.
Nov 19, 2006
Figure Drawing Marathon
Here's a 20 minute pose from the marathon at Lake Merritt College. It's a 2B pencil on plain sketch paper. Lots of people showed up for this, and it seemed like most knew each other. All the models were great, but drawing from 10am-4pm was a challenge especially because it's been a few years since I've worked from live models.
Nov 16, 2006
I just like drawing Batman
Nov 14, 2006
Try It Again
Nov 13, 2006
Sketchbook Stuff; The Big Two
Busy working on many pages. Not enough time to pencil/ink/clean up/scan/cut/paste. So here is some sketchbooks stuff. The dates are on the pics. First one is painted with acrylic inks.
Working on finishing 10 pages of The War Machine for some proposals. After that I have an 8 page story Chris was helping me on for Tooth And Nail. I'm really happy with my War Machine pages so hopefully Tooth And Nail turns out well also. Apparently my script is way weaker than what was going on in my head(that means it turned out better after it was drawn that before).
I'll also be starting a very perverted Alien screenplay tomorrow. I'm really excited because I think I found a new thing to disturb me.
I also came home to watch The Wire tonight. Blew me away. Best show on tv.
Nov 9, 2006
Hiragana Prelim 3
Here's the one for u/う. The word is uma/うま. More Photoshop coloring over inked work in my sketchbook.
In the background? You're right! That's a glue factory. Things don't look too good for this stallion.
Here's the sketch. The hiragana didn't make it into the colored piece this time. It just didn't look right digital. I should've just brushed it in. Next time...
In the background? You're right! That's a glue factory. Things don't look too good for this stallion.
Here's the sketch. The hiragana didn't make it into the colored piece this time. It just didn't look right digital. I should've just brushed it in. Next time...
Nov 8, 2006
Nov 7, 2006
Hiragana い
Nov 5, 2006
Oct 27, 2006
Hiragana Illustrations
Oct 24, 2006
Finished Commissions
Here, as promised, is the finished version of two of my commissions. as you can see some of my line weight has changed dramtically as well as my approach to the pieces. People have let a weeping cry when told as to the fate of the pieces. I proceeded to immolate them upon completion for no other reason than that I found myself in a peculiar form of melancholy that particular day. Of course, the preceeding was something of a ruse, as the truth is I did no such thing and, in fact, will be sending the pieces to their respective owners forthwith.
Sir Adrian
Oct 17, 2006
Oct 14, 2006
Commission Roughs
So this is what I've been working on lately(besides real jobs). A bunch of commissions. These roughs kind of suck because they are much lighter than what you see here. I had to darken everything and pice things together so this is what you get. I think it will be fun to see the difference between where I stop pencilling and where my inks actually end up. Some of these are going to be color and others will be inked.
All of these creations are copyright their various owners or creators.
Oct 10, 2006
Argh...didn't make it in time.
I was hoping to get this one page story posted before midnight, but I wasn't fast enough. I'm going to add some color to this and darken it.
Most of us have felt self-conscious about some stupid flaw. Poor girl...
1:24am: Here it is with some quick watercolors. This might end up in my anthology which remains untitled at this point. Of course, it would be redone in b&w on bristol board.
Most of us have felt self-conscious about some stupid flaw. Poor girl...
1:24am: Here it is with some quick watercolors. This might end up in my anthology which remains untitled at this point. Of course, it would be redone in b&w on bristol board.
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